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Senegal Parrot

Poicephalus senegalis

Step into the world of our Senegal parrots and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A Senegal parrot perched on a branch at Hamilton Zoo

Senegal parrots are an energetic and social parrot species, constantly whistling and squawking to each other, flocking together in large groups in most West African countries.

They are friendly compared to other parrots and make less noise. They are very social, and require other Senegal parrots in order to be happy.

There is a massive trade in illegally caught wild Senegal parrots. This may be one of the biggest threats to these birds in the wild.

Quick facts


West Africa


Savannahs and open woodland

Conservation Status:

Least Concern

Fun fact

Senegal parrots are often considered a farm pest in Africa, because they frequently feed on maize and millet