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Red Panda

Ailurus fulgens 

Step into the world of our red pandas and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A red panda resting on a branch

Red pandas are approximately the size of a large housecat and have cat-like faces. Their rusty-coloured fur is thick and covers their body except for their ears (almost white), cheeks, muzzle, and the spots above their eyes. Their dense fur keeps them warm during winter.

Red pandas are generally quiet except for some twittering, tweeting, and whistling communication sounds.

Red pandas are solitary, only coming together at the beginning of the breeding season. Young are born full furred and blind, weaning at 6-8 months, they generally stay with their mother until the following breeding season. As territorial animals they mark boundaries with scent, using urine and substances secreted from their footpads.  

Quick facts


Eastern Himalayas and Southwestern China


Mountain forest

Conservation Status:


Fun fact

Red pandas are not actually related to pandas! Their closest relative is actually a raccoon, and they're associated with the Mustelidae family, which includes weasels, otters and wolverines