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Pavo cristatus

Step into the world of our peafowl and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

Two peafowl grooming each other

Male peafowl (peacock) is brightly coloured with it's famous long train and fan-like courtship displays. Females (peahen) lack the train and are much duller in colour, with a greenish lower neck and brown body. Young (peachicks) are pale brown until maturity.

Peafowl can produce loud calls especially in the breeding season. They frequently use a variety of calls including a low-pitched honk when agitated!

Peafowl forage on the ground in small groups of one male and 3-5 females. Groups are known as musters or prides. After the breeding season, the groups tend to be made up only of females and young.  

Quick facts


South Asia


Tropical forests, urban areas

Conservation Status:

Least Concern

Fun fact

Indian peafowl are among the largest and heaviest representatives of the pheasant family. So far as is known, only the wild turkey grows notably heavier!