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Struthio camelus 

Step into the world of our ostriches and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

An ostrich looking directly at the camera

Ostriches are flightless birds, like emus and kiwis. It is distinctive in its appearance, with a long neck and legs. Their eyesight is excellent and their hearing acute. 

When threatened, ostriches run away. They have been known to reach speeds in excess of 70km/h, and can maintain a steady speed of 50km/h, which makes the ostrich the world's fastest two-legged animal. They can cause serious injury and death with kicks from their powerful legs. They can also easily cause death through slamming their heads into opponents.

Quick facts


North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa


Savannahs, arid open areas

Conservation Status:

Least Concern

Fun fact

Ostrich eggs are the largest of all eggs. On average they weigh 1.4 kg - over 20 times the weight of a chicken egg!