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Ninox novaeseelandiae

Step into the world of our moreporks and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A morepork looking to the side

The morepork is a small, brown owl native to New Zealand. These charismatic birds of prey have a distinctive "more-pork" call that echoes through the night, often heard in the forests and woodlands across the country. Their haunting call has earned them a place in Maaori folklore, where they are seen as spiritual guardians.

Despite their small size, moreporks are skilled hunters, using their sharp talons and excellent night vision to capture a diverse range of prey, including insects, small mammals, and birds. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in various habitats, from dense forests to open farmland, and even urban areas.

Conservation efforts, including predator control and habitat preservation, are crucial in ensuring the survival of these captivating creatures for future generations to appreciate.

Quick facts


New Zealand's North Island


Forests, urban areas, farmlands, plantations

Conservation Status:

Least Concern

Fun fact

The morepork flies silently thanks to special wing feathers. These feathers have serrated edges which reduce turbulence and muffle the sound of air passing over them.