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Forest Gecko

Hoplodactylus granulatus

Step into the world of our forest geckos and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A forest gecko camouflaging against a tree branch

Usually in shades of brown and cream, this remarkable gecko can change the intensity of its colour according to the colour of the background it is resting on. Its tail has an irregular zigzag pattern and there is a "v" marking on the forehead. It has excellent camouflage. Small, but keen to defend itself! Most geckos will lose their tails if threatened. 

This lizard is arboreal, hunting and foraging mainly in trees and shrubs. It may be found clinging to branches. It is nocturnal, which means it is active at night. 

A pregnant lizard is referred to as "gravid", whether carrying eggs or live young.  

Quick facts


New Zealand


Forest or scrub, where it tends to hide under logs, stones or the loose bark of trees

Conservation Status:

Gradual Decline

Fun fact

Every year, these geckos develop new skin and shed their old skin in a process called sloughing