Senegal Parrot

Poicephalus senegalis

Senegal Parrot


West Africa


Savannas and open woodland


Seeds and grains, fruits, blossoms


Breeding is in Winter and early Spring. They will nest in the hollow of a tree. They lay 3-4 eggs, incubated for27-28 days. Chicks fledge at about 9 weeks old; they are independent by 12 weeks.


Humans, birds of prey, snakes, monkeys

Conservation Status:

Least concern


Senegal parrots are an energetic and social parrot species, constantly whistling and squawking to each other, flocking together in large groups in most West African countries.

They are friendly compared to other parrots and make less noise. They are very social, and require other Senegal Parrots in order to be happy.

There is a massive trade in illegally caught wild Senegal Parrots. This may be one of the biggest threats to these birds in the wild.