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Spider Monkey

Ateles geoffroyi

Step into the world of our spider monkeys and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A spider monkey standing in the middle of a grassy enclosure

Spider monkeys are primitive monkeys, their bodies and limbs are slender and they have long narrow hands. Their muscular, tactile prehensile tail is used as an extra hand and are hairless underneath, the tip like the palm of a hand and each tail print is unique – just like fingerprints!

They "bark" when they are threatened, and when they are approached by humans will throw branches, shake tree limbs and jump up and down.

Spider monkeys are social animals, forming troops made up of 30 - 100 individuals. Usually large troops divide into smaller subgroups for foraging.  

Quick facts


South America



Conservation Status:


Fun fact

Different troops of these monkeys hug each other when they meet, to convey greetings and to deflect confrontations and potential aggression