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Otago Skink

Oligosoma otagense

Step into the world of our Otago skinks and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

An Otago skink sunbathing on a mossy rock

This large and very rare species of lizard is endemic to New Zealand. Some can grow up to 30 cm long! Its distinctive black, yellow, and green markings allow it to hide amongst its habitat's mossy and lichen-covered rocks. These unique markings give the skink its Maaori name, 'moko moko'.

Otago skinks are omnivores, eating both plant and animal matter. Like many native reptiles in New Zealand, Otago skinks are viviparous. This means they don't lay eggs, instead giving birth to fully-formed young. As soon as they are born, babies run off to find a sunny spot to warm up before looking for prey. They are diurnal, which means they are active during the day. 

Otago skinks have drastically declined in population due to habitat loss and predation, making them one of New Zealand's rarest reptiles. Ongoing conservation efforts offer hope for their survival.

Quick facts


Central Otago, New Zealand


Rocky schist outcrops, bluffs, and rocky gorges in shrublands and tussock grassland

Conservation Status:


Fun fact

Unlike most reptiles in the world, these skinks are well suited to the cold climates of the South Island, and even love sunbathing on snowy rocks!