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Tragelaphus angasii

Step into the world of our nyala and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A nyala exploring grassy plains at Hamilton Zoo

The nyala is a beautiful spiral-horned antelope with unique markings. They are very shy in nature, and like remaining hidden rather than coming out in the open. Most sightings of nyala in the wild are at water holes.

Alert and wary in nature, nyala use a sharp, high, dog-like bark to warn others in a group about the danger. Generally this is done by the females of the group. 

Nyala are very cautious creatures, usually living in groups of up to 10 individuals. Females often remain close with their mothers, especially when having their own offspring. Old males usually live alone.  

Quick facts


Southern Africa


Woodlands, shrublands, moorlands

Conservation Status:

Least Concern

Fun fact

Nyala have hairy glands on the feet, which leave their scent wherever they walk