All Animals

North Island Weka

Gallirallus australis (also known as woodhen, woodrail)

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Step into the world of our North Island weka and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures.

A North Island Weka walking through the grass at Hamilton Zoo

The weka is a large brown flightless bird with a famously feisty and curious personality. Their colouring is excellent camouflage for a ground dwelling bird. Its best known call is a repetitive, loud ‘coo-et’ that is usually heard in the early evening and at dusk.

They walk with a deliberate stride, tail-flicking and are also a fast runner with neck held outstretched.

Weka have a remarkable homing instincts which makes relocating difficult.

Quick facts


North Island of New Zealand


Forests, grasslands, sand dunes, and rocky shores

Conservation Status:


Fun Fact

Weka are a flightless bird!