All Animals

Kune Kune Pig

Sus scrofa

Step into the world of our kune kune pigs and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

Two kune kune pigs in a sty at Hamilton Zoo

Kune kune (COO-nee COO-nee) means "fat and round" in Maaori. A male can weigh up to 317lg, and a female up to 227kg. The origin of the breed is uncertain, because no documented information exists regarding its introduction to New Zealand. The breeds' history is closely associated with the Maaori people of New Zealand.

Vocalisations are varied and take on different meanings, depending on the circumstances. You may hear our kune kunes grunting, barking, squealing, panting, coughing, oinking, and roaring.

Kune kune are very social animals, and are happier in pairs or group settings. They will usually happily graze and share their territory with other animals.

Quick facts


New Zealand. Introduced populations worldwide


Grasslands, native bush, farmlands

Conservation Status:

Least Concern

Fun fact

Most kune kune pigs are raised as companion animals. Generally speaking, they are easy going, easy to care for, and very affectionate