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Step into the world of our chimpanzees and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures.

A close-up image of a Chimpanzee at Hamilton Zoo

Chimpanzees are one of the great apes, and are one of our closest living relatives in the animal kingdom. They are highly intelligent primates and have complex social behaviour. Males are larger than females, and have larger canine teeth. They are mainly black in colour and, like all apes, do not have a tail. Like humans, all chimps have different facial features, and this can be a way of identifying individuals.

A wide variety of gestures, postures, and facial expressions are also used to communicate. Bod language and physical cues are also used. Vocalisations are usually spontaneous, and consist of a variety of grunts, barks, squeaks, whimpers, and screams. Each call is typically tied to a particular emotional content - such as fear, excitement, bewilderment, or annoyance.

Chimpanzees live in groups, which can vary in size from 15 - 100. The group usually breaks up into smaller parties of 3 - 6 individuals, which go off to feed on their own. The male chimpanzees always stay in the group they were born into, whereas the females will move on to another group.

Quick facts


West Africa


Savannah forests, grassland forests, rainforests

Conservation Status:


Fun fact

Chimpanzees are among the world's most intelligent animal species. They can remember things and recognize themselves in a mirror!