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Black and White Ruffed Lemur

Varecia variegata variegata

Step into the world of our black and white ruffed lemur and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A black and white ruffed lemur holding on to a rope

The black and white ruffed lemur is one of the largest of the lemur species. Spending most of their time in the trees, Ruffed lemurs are quadrupedal - using all their limbs to clamber around and their long tails to stabilize. They often hang upside down from branches by their feet whilst eating.  

Ruffed lemurs are very noisy, with varied vocalizations they use to communicate. Producing a deep barking call when alarmed and a wailing howl when defending their territory, as well as chuffs, barks and growls to communicate with each other.  

Black and white ruffed lemurs live in matriarchal social groups of 2 - 5 individuals within a defined territory. 

Quick facts


Eastern Madagascar



Conservation Status:

Critically Endangered

Fun fact

Ruffed lemurs build nests for their newborns and they're the only primates to do so!