Animals have always been a popular theme in art using a variety of media. 

A field trip to Hamilton Zoo brings the animals to life, allowing students to photograph, paint or sketch many of our animals with depth and feeling. This could be a time for students to observe the animals’ unique adaptations and forms and take this knowledge back to the classroom to create their own works of art.

Whitikahu School came to visit and did amazing things in their classroom after their visit! 

"We really enjoyed our visit and the children came home with so much learning. The zoo staff were amazing and really looked after us. 

We did lots of work! Our classroom turned into an enclosure, we read heaps of books about animals and talked for weeks about them. We made our favourite animals out of boxes and made a wall display with pictures from the zoo trip and speech bubbles with the children's thoughts about the trip. They also made a book with our student teacher about which animal they would like to have for a pet and how they would look after them." - Sandra Barlow, Whitikahu School. 


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