Predator Proof Fence at Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park

Te Kaaroro

Did you know that Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park gets around 3000 cat visits every week? These uninvited guests pose a serious threat to our native wildlife. To combat this, we’re in the process of securing the necessary funds to construct a Predator Proof Fence—an essential step toward creating a safe, thriving ecosystem within the park. 

So, why is this fence so crucial? The fence will offer several key benefits: 

  • Protection for Native Wildlife: Our native species, such as birds, reptiles, and insects, will have a secure environment where they can live and breed without the constant threat of predation. This is especially important for endangered species that need every opportunity to recover and thrive. 

  • Restoration of Natural Habitats: With reduced predation pressure, native plant life will have the chance to regenerate more effectively, creating healthier habitats for all species within the park. 

  • Enhanced Biodiversity: A predator-free environment will encourage a greater diversity of species to inhabit the park, contributing to a richer, more balanced ecosystem. This biodiversity is crucial for the resilience of the environment, making it more adaptable to changes and challenges. 

  • The Predator Proof Fence is a long-term investment in the future of Waiwhakareke. By establishing a protected area, we’re not just safeguarding the present but also ensuring that future generations will inherit a thriving natural landscape. 

You can play a part in this vital conservation effort by spreading the word and supporting our mission to make Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park a true haven for nature. Together, we can protect our precious wildlife and preserve the beauty of this natural heritage for years to come.