All Animals

Pygmy Marmoset

Cebuela pygmaea

Step into the world of our pygmy marmosets and unlock the wonders of these extraordinary creatures

A pygmy marmoset sitting in a tree

Pygmy marmosets are notable for being the smallest monkey and one of the smallest primates in the world, at just over 100 grams. Their small size, speed and agility, colouration, and the ability to suddenly freeze, make them difficult for predators to see. Though small, they can leap up to five metres.

Pygmy marmosets communicate with each other by chattering and trilling in high-pitched voices. They can make sounds at frequencies above the human hearing range.

As highly social primates, they gather into stable groups of 2-15 marmosets. These are normally family troops, consisting of a breeding pair and their young. When sleeping at night, they usually huddle together.  

Quick facts


South America



Conservation Status:

Least Concern

Fun fact

The word "marmoset" derives from "marmouset" - a French word, meaning "shrimp" or "dwarf"